timk@localhost ~ $

hi there!
at times when i am not studying for finals and making obscure off-the-rails jokes nobody understands, i write code. both professionally and out of passion
- languages (as in code): C (main), C++98, Tcl, Ruby, POSIX shell. also used to do a lot of coding in C# and somehow i ocassionally help people get a grasp of python3.
- languages (as in sounds that the human mouth makes): English (preferred), Russian (due to birth circumstances), French (B1, can understand, speak poorly), German (A1), Chinese (HSK 3, but bad at understanding hieroglyphics)
- means of communication: GitHub or e-mail, unless stated otherwise
since this page didn't exist and was a filler for a long long time due to reasons, it is still one and is hence WIP. as time goes by, i'll hopefully give meaningful links to projects i make. but for now, there is my GitHub for that
12/14/2023 can u believe it, there is now more than a picture of Ricardo on this page?